Hypnosis helps people who are stuck, in transition or struggling
with a change to break free, get unstuck and get more
clarity, satisfaction and success in their life.
Want to stop smoking?
Welcome to Quantum Quit,
the “don’t stop until
you’re ready to stop”
stop smoking program.

Let my FREE, 5 part E-course get your mind set and ready to stop smoking for good.
Listen, if you’re stuck with something when you know you’re ready to move on but you can’t see your way out, it simply means that your mind is trying to use the wrong tool for the job.
Traditional smoking cessation approaches tell you to pick a date then throw your cigarettes in the trash. But the problem with that is you’re not really ready with the right mindset. So it’s easy to get stuck between wanting to quit and wanting to keep smoking.
That’s why people relapse. Because mindset is what matters most.
For most people that means a vicious circle where they either don’t quit or they do quit but they’re still thinking about smoking.
Even more likely they try to quit and then relapse because they don’t have enough ‘willpower’ to stay quit. I know that’s where I was stuck before I finally could walk away from the smoking habit for good.
That’s why my approach helps update your unconscious mind with the attitudes of a non smoker first.
That means you’ll want to quit rather than trying to force yourself.
You look at smoking the way a non-smoker looks at smoking. Then you feel ready to stop, so that rather than having to keep telling yourself or forcing yourself, you can just stop easily and for good.
Interventive hypnosis to make you
a true non-smoker.
Once you look at smoking the way a non-smoker looks at smoking, you naturally feel ready to stop. Rather than having to keep telling yourself or forcing yourself, you can just stop easily and for good.
My 5 part E-Course creates a very powerful foundation for setting this mindset. Everyone gets a new perspective through it, and gets really clear on wanting to stop.
For a few it will mean they finally decide to stop quitting smoking because the realize they don’t really want to quit.
For a few it will be all they need to finally quit.
Many others benefit from working with me one-to-one to finally get the freedom of stopping for good.
The good news is it’s up to you how you’d like to go forward, and to finally do it without the back and forth, the angst, the uncertainty and the wishing, that often comes with the desire to stop.
Wonder why hypnosis is so powerful for making change?
Well, Dr Wayne Dyer said that when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.
Now when you look at this picture do you see a young lady or an old crone?
Whichever you see, that’s the power of the way you look at things.
Hypnosis is the ultimate tool because it helps update and expand the way your unconscious mind looks at things so that it’s easier for you to succeed.

My Quantum Quit Program aligns your mindset and habits with your desire, so you can make change easy.
Listen, aligning your conscious mind and your unconscious mind with your desires makes life smooth, satisfying and fulfilling. It makes sense. you naturally want to do things you do want to do, and there’s no need to stop you doing something if you don’t want to do it.
Re-setting your MindSet with hypnosis is a great shortcut for that.
If you haven’t explored hypnosis you’re missing out on an easy way to create the change you want. Or not, but now you know that there is a way to stop the struggle.

Hi! I’m Pam
I use Hypnotherapy to help you shift your MindSet and your life.
The Quantum Quit program is great for smoking cessation. And, my approach also works whether you’re struggling with finances, relationships, life satisfaction or performance. Resetting your MindSet with hypnosis improves your life by aligning and integrating your mind, your habits and your desires.
We all know that there’s a right way and a wrong way to uplevel to our best, and create harmony in our lives so we can make the impact we want to have.
There was a point when my life was deeply in transition and I was stuck and struggling with emotional turmoil and change. I was worried, distracted, indecisive and uncertain. Very, very hard on myself (even my mom said so). I had lots of shoulds about life and was determined that all should be perfect… HA!
Shifting my MindSet with hypnosis helped me change all that AND drop the 3 pack a day cigarette habit that came with it.
It was the secret to taking my foot off the brake, getting things off the wrong track and putting them on the right one.
Believe me if it worked for me it can work for anyone and I promise that the right MindSet makes life happier, easier, more fun and more satisfying.
Don’t wait another day. Contact me to get changing for good.
Ready to get my FREE, stop smoking E-course to get you thinking aligned with your desire?
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I’ll send you my Free 5-part, free e-mail, stop smoking email series .
Or click here to book a quick chat on the phone to check out which programs best for you.
Ask a question or get more clarity on how I help.
“I’ve heard that hypnosis isn’t always done with eyes closed, how can I be “hypnotized” if my eyes are open?
I do a lot of my work with open eye trance and it’s especially useful for the Quantum Quit program. Overall trance is simply a state of mind where you are highly focussed on something internal. It depends on the stage of the program whether eyes open or eyes shut will give you a better result for that process.
Is hypnosis a natural state?
We call the hypnotic state “trance”. It’s a perfectly natural (in fact an optimal natural) state that we all go into several times a day. Trance that you’ve experienced are daydreaming, watching TV, driving.
Does the hypnotist have control over me?
Only in Hollywood. Going into hypnosis requires co-operation. So if someone does not want to be hypnotized they won’t be. Simple as that. Hypnotists cannot persuade, never mind force, someone to do anything they don’t want to do. That includes something that might be for their own good… (sorry.) So if someone does not want to solve their problem or has been taken to a hypnotherapist against their will, the chance of solving their issue is virtually non-existant.
Hypnotists make people say or do embarrassing things like in a stage show.
Think life of the party for perspective on this one because anyone who volunteers for a stage hypnosis show knows that they will be asked to say or do ridiculous, funny or embarrassing things. They choose to participate. Then the stage Hypnotist uses screening and other tests to keep the best volunteers for the show… usually those who have the ability to achieve a deep trance, quickly.
Stage hypnosis is entertainment. Clinical Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy are to help a person be rid of unwanted habits, addictions, fears or help them overcome a stress-related health problem or improve in some area of their life. A deep trance state is not necessary. In fact many of my techniques use eyes open. Overall though, the key word here is help people, not embarrass them.
Do Hypnotists have special powers?
I wish! We’re just like anyone else, but we’ve trained to lead someone into a hypnotic trance using an induction and a deepener. That can be learned. Hypnotherapy uses the hypnotic trance for the person’s benefit to help them overcome a problem. It’s a practical skill combined with creative intuition to know the direction to go for therapy.
Isn’t hypnosis for weak-minded and gullible people?
Quite the opposite. People who have above average intelligence, are able to concentrate, imagine and be creative make the best hypnotic subjects.
Some people can’t be hypnotized.
Hypnotic trance is a natural state which we all enter daily, so clearly we can all be hypnotized, and some people don’t want to be hypnotized. The difference between being hypnotisable and not being hypnotisable is the desire to be hypnotized.
Is Hypnosis is like going to sleep or being put under?
No. The opposite is true. Hypnosis is a heightened sense of awareness, concentration, focus, and hearing. So the idea (actually the skill) with hypnosis is actually to avoid sleep yet become deeply relaxed, while still staying awake. Hypnosis is a heightened sense of awareness, concentration, focus, and hearing. Unfortunately, the word hypnosis comes from the Greek Hypnos which means sleep. Since hypnotic trance generally has nothing to do with sleep, this was kind of a crummy name to select. Hollywood has also added to this with the old “you are getting sleepy”. (Though it also works if someone does fall happen to fall asleep, as the hypnotist is talking to their subconscious mind which is always awake.)
I’m not sure I was hypnotized, I heard everything.
Hypnosis is an altered state of waking consciousness. This means you are awake and will therefore hear what is said. Your mind may wander and you may fall into slumber but your subconscious mind will hear every word and act upon the positive suggestions given in the session. As hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness, you can be aware of the hypnotist’s voice and outside sounds. When deprived of one of our five senses, another sense tends to compensate. It therefore makes sense that with your eyes closed, you may even hear better. You may hear outside sounds such as traffic as a little louder than the hypnotist hears them. However they don’t disturb because the state of mental and physical relaxation is just not bothered by outside sounds. A dog can keep barking and you will stay deeply relaxed.
Can I get ‘stuck’ in hypnosis?
No. You can’t. Just like you can’t get stuck when you are daydreaming. If the hypnotist stops talking, you will either emerge from hypnosis to see why the talking has stopped or fall asleep due to your very relaxed state. If you fall asleep, you’ll just sleep it off and then awaken fully
Can I get ‘stuck’ in hypnosis?
No. You can’t. Just like you can’t get stuck when you are daydreaming. If the hypnotist stops talking, you will either emerge from hypnosis to see why the talking has stopped or fall asleep due to your very relaxed state. If you fall asleep, you’ll just sleep it off and then awaken fully.
Is it ok if I lose track of time?
Yes. This often happens. Much like you can lose yourself in painting, sculpting, sewing, driving, reading etc. The different state of awareness makes it likely to lose your sense of time. The same happens in hypnosis. People often comment that their session seemed to last 15-20 minutes and are surprised to find it lasted 40-45 minutes. The beauty is that 20 minutes of hypnosis can leave you as refreshed as 7-8 hours of sleep.
Can Hypnosis be dangerous?
Never enter an induced trance while driving or handling heavy machinery (safety first!). Hypnosis is also not recommended for people who have psychological diagnoses or challenges or epilepsy patients without a referral from a doctor. Otherwise, hypnosis is totally safe. It is a state of mental and physical relaxation in which positive, useful suggestions are given to help the person with their problem. No harm can occur.
Will I be out of control?
Ahhh… Hollywood again. A hypnotized person is actually in full control of themselves, fully aware and completely capable of making decisions. They simply cannot be made to accept an objectionable suggestion, commit an act, or say anything against their values and beliefs. Any hypnotic suggestion which contradicted these values would shock a person back into full waking consciousness. The same thing would happen if any kind of danger presented itself. The subject would immediately and fully come out of hypnosis on their own
. They are always in control.
Can I reveal sensitive or private information against my will?
If only this were true! Then every accused criminal could be hypnotized to find out whether they are guilty or the victim of the crime could reliably give evidence of what really happened. No one can force you to reveal anything in hypnosis. In fact, usually you don’t say anything in hypnosis. This idea is simply more of the idea that hypnosis is some kind of a “power” relationship. In fact it is anything but. The only power lies in the mind of the subject to accept or not accept the suggestions offered.
Could repeated hypnotic inductions weaken my mind so I become dependent on them?
Actually, repetitive inductions strengthen a person’s mental abilities. Much like meditation, the benefits of being deeply relaxed both mentally and physically are wonderful for reducing stress, managing anxiety and improving clarity to support achieving goals and releasing fears, limitations or discomforts. That’s also why learning self-hypnosis is a great benefit for people.
Is it Ok to hypnotize children?
This question must mean specifically with a Hypnotherapist, because parents are ‘hypnotizing’ their children with suggestions all the time. Children generally have wonderful imaginations, a great ability to focus (“Again mommy! Again!) and a delight in visualizing. It’s safe to say that every parent has seen their child in a self induced trance like state. For hypnotherapists, this is more of an age question than a don’t question.
Generally, it’s easier for children to concentrate if they’re at least seven years old. Children respond very well to positive hypnotic suggestions in general so they can also be hypnotized whilst playing and with their eyes still open.
Likewise, I do a lot of my work with open eye trance and it’s especially useful for the Quantum Quit program. Overall trance is simply a state of mind where you are highly focussed on something internal. It depends on the stage of the program whether eyes open or eyes shut will give you a better result for that process.
Well… I don’t… at least not usually.
The reality is that we’re trained to talk people into a hypnotic trance using our words and our voice. But I will if there’s an expectation or belief on the part of the client. I’m a hypnotist after all, so I’ll use whatever is best for the person’s ability to go into trance and get the change they want. The hypnotic state is so effective that I’m willing to do whatever I can to help my client’s get the most out of their time with me. And if I need to swing a fob I will. Though I admit that I do prefer to avoid clucking like a chicken.
Smoking, habits, mindset, behaviour. You can stop struggling.
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create your next year
as your best year!
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